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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Look how much I have grown...

Wanted to share with you the growth of my caster beans. They have become huge.

First picture is from early July. The other one was taken minutes ago. I am thinking that they may reach the gutters.


  1. I saw a tree like that in NW Arkasas. We wondered what it was and now I know! Thanks! :-)

  2. Sad part is that it will freeze and I will have to cut it down and start over next Spring.

  3. Oh my gosh, Betty, they are huge! And beautiful! Isn't it amazing how quickly some plants grow? Such a shame that you'll have to cut it down and start again next year, but at least you know it won't take long for it to get big again! :o)



  4. That's huge. You have a very green thumb.
